
Copper Alloys

Copper Alloys

Form Size Range
1/8″ – 9″ diameter
13mm – 70mm A/F
10g – 21g
22mm – 3″ square

Columbia Metals stocks copper nickel alloys – generally known as cupronickels – and high copper alloys, which are those that usually contain more than 95% copper with only a small addition of elements such as nickel, silicon, chromium and beryllium.

Cupronickels are widely recognised for their excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue. The addition of nickel to copper improves the material’s overall strength, durability and also its resistance to corrosion, erosion and cavitation in all types of water. The most common cupronickel alloys are those containing either 10 or 30% nickel, but other alloying additions such as manganese and iron are made to improve both strength and corrosion resistance.

Columbia Metals stocks two other special grades of cupronickel, developed for applications where a combination of high strength and excellent corrosion resistance is required. These are Nibron Special®, one of our trademark products, and DEF STAN 02-835, both wrought high strength alloys offering the excellent corrosion resistance of cupronickel together with very high mechanical properties that even surpass those of high strength aluminium bronzes.

Our high copper alloys include silicon bronze, copper nickel silicon and beryllium copper. These alloy grades are among the most important and widely used copper alloys due to the impressive range of attributes that can be attained. Columbia Metals’ stock of copper nickel silicon features two other proprietary alloys, Colsibro® and Trojan, both offering high strength and wear resistance. Other alloys such as COLDUR-A® (a silicon bronze) have been developed to offer excellent hot and cold formability combined with corrosion resistance, strength and toughness.

Copper Alloys
  Related Specifications Mechanical Properties
Alloy Name BS UNS BS EN Others Ultimate Tensile Strength N/mm² Minimum Yield Strength N/mm² Elongation % Hardness HB  
Copper Nickel 90/10 CN­10­2 C7­06­00­; C7­06­10 CW­35­2H 2.­08­72 28­0 10­5 27 70-12­0
Copper Nickel 70/30 / NES 780 CN­10­7 C7­15­00­; C7­15­20 CW­35­4H NE­S7­80 31­0 27 80-12­0
DEF STAN 02-835 C7­24­20 DG­S3­57 71­0-72­5 40­0-43­0 18-22
NIBRON SPECIAL® DT­D9­00­/4­80­5 C7­24­00 2.­15­04 77­0-85­0 55­5-63­0 12 22­9-24­0
DTD498 / BSB25 DT­D4­98 C6­47­00 CW­11­1C BS­B2­5 58­0 43­0 18 15­9-20­7H­V
COLSIBRO® DT­D4­98 C6­47­00­; C1­80­00 CW­11­1C 2.­08­55 55­0-64­0 43­0-59­0 10 15­5-18­0
TROJAN C7­02­50­; C7­02­52 CW­11­2C 2.­08­57 69­0-80­0 57­0-75­0 10 19­0-20­0
Beryllium Copper (BECOL-25) CB­10­1 C1­72­00 CW­10­1C AS­TM B1­96­; CD­A 17­20­0
CHROMZIRC-3 CC­10­1 C1­82­00 CW­10­5C BS 45­77 A/­2/­1 45­0 40­0 20 14­0H­V
CHROMZIRC-328 CC­10­2 C1­81­50 CW­10­6C BS­45­77 A/­2/­2; IS­O5­18­2 45­0 40­0 20 14­0H­V
COLDUR-A® CS­10­1 C6­55­00­; C6­56­00 CW­11­6C AS­TM B9­8; AS­TM B2­49 48­5 26­0 20
COLDUR-B C6­51­00 CW­11­5C AS­TM B9­8 38­0 14­0 15
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