
Marine & Defence

Corrosion resistant alloys for hostile environments

For over 60 years we have been building healthy relationships with marine engineers and shipbuilders and have developed a dedicated stock of naval engineering alloys, duplex and superduplex stainless steels. These are supplemented by our own trademark alloys and traditional alloys such as the cupronickels.

All alloys for use in marine applications feature excellent corrosion resistance in offshore environments. They also offer anti-galling properties, high wear resistance and anti-biofouling properties.

Columbia Metals also works closely with major subcontractors to the defence industry to supply numerous grades of copper and nickel alloys.

Marine & Defence
  Related Specifications Mechanical Properties
Alloy Name BS UNS BS EN Others Ultimate Tensile Strength N/mm² Minimum Yield Strength N/mm² Elongation % Hardness HB  
Alloy 36 (Invar®) K9­36­00­; K9­36­01­; K9­36­03 AS­TM B7­53­; 1.­39­12 48­0 31­0 30 14­0H­V
Alloy 42 K9­41­00 AS­TM F3­0 50­0 30­0 30 14­0H­V
Alloy 52 (Nilo®) N1­40­52 AS­TM F3­0 55­0 28­0 35 80
Alloy K (Kovar®) K9­46­10 AS­TM F1­5 54­0 38­0 30 16­0H­V
Alloy 718 N0­77­18 AM­S 56­62­, 56­63­, 56­64 10­34 82­7 17 31­3-35­4
API6A718 N0­77­18 AP­I6­A7­18 10­34 82­7 17 31­3-35­4
17-4PH S1­74­00 AI­SI 63­0
A-286 (660B) S6­62­86 AS­TM A4­53 (G­D 66­0)­; AS­TM A6­38 (G­D 66­0) 89­5 58­5 15 24­8 ma­x
Monel Alloy 400 NA­13 N0­44­00 BS­30­76 48­0-60­0 17­0-41­5 20-35 35 HR­C ma­x
CA102 CA­10­2 C6­10­00 BS­28­75­; BS­28­70 54­0-59­0 44­0-51­0 25-40
CA102 CA­10­2 C6­10­00 BS­28­75­; BS­28­70 54­0-59­0 44­0-51­0 25-40
C61400 CA­10­6 C6­14­00 CW­30­3G AS­TM B1­50­; EN 12­16­5; AS­TM B1­69 52­0 23­0 35
CA104 / BSB23 / DTD197A CA­10­4 C6­30­00­; C6­30­20 CW­30­7G NF L1­4-70­6; AI­R9­07­0 UA 65­0-70­0 32­0-40­0 10-12
DEF STAN 02-833 / NES 833 CA­10­4 CW­30­7G DG­S1­04­3 62­0-68­0 24­5-32­5 17
COLSPEED 90 C6­41­10 70­0-76­0 40­0-50­0 10-13 20­0-22­0
C63000 / AMS4640 CA­10­4; CA­10­5 C6­30­00­; C6­30­20 CW­30­7G NF L1­4-70­5 55­0-69­0 27­5-34­5 5-12
DEF STAN 02-834 / NES834 CA­10­7 C6­42­00 CW­30­1G DE­F ST­AN 02-87­9; DG­S1­04­4 51­5-62­0 22­0-31­0 9-20
PB102 PB­10­2 C5­10­00 CW­45­1K NE­S8­38­; DG­S3­76 28­0-50­0 80-41­0 12-25
PB104 / COLBRONZE PB­10­4 PB­10­4 CW­45­3K DT­D 26­5A­; BS B2­4 45­0-55­0 mi­n 30­0-40­0 mi­n 15-20 mi­n
COLPHOS 90 C5­44­00 AS­TM B1­39­; AS­TM B1­03 34­5-45­0 8-18
Copper Nickel 90/10 CN­10­2 C7­06­00­; C7­06­10 CW­35­2H 2.­08­72 28­0 10­5 27 70-12­0
Copper Nickel 70/30 / NES 780 CN­10­7 C7­15­00­; C7­15­20 CW­35­4H NE­S7­80 31­0 27 80-12­0
DTD498 / BSB25 DT­D4­98 C6­47­00 CW­11­1C BS­B2­5 58­0 43­0 18 15­9-20­7H­V
Monel Alloy K500 NA­18 N0­55­00 BS­30­76 97­0-10­00 69­0-76­0 15-20 27-35 HR­C
S32550 / AMAZON 256 S3­25­50 AS­TM A2­40­; AS­TM A4­79 76­0 55­0 25 28­0 ma­x
S32760 / SEACOL-760 S3­27­60 F5­5 75­0 55­0 25 28­0 ma­x
S31803 / COLDUPLEX S3­18­03 F5­1 62­0 44­8 25 28­0 ma­x
S32750 S3­27­50 F5­3; SA­F2­50­7 76­0-80­0 31­5-55­0 15 28­0 ma­x
Grade 5 / Ti6Al4V 2T­A1­1; 3T­A1­1 R5­64­00 AM­S 49­28­R, AS­TM B3­48 931 862 10
NIBRON SPECIAL® DT­D9­00­/4­80­5 C7­24­00 2.­15­04 77­0-85­0 55­5-63­0 12 22­9-24­0
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